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Get a Fully Custom Done-For-You Website ($1,217 Value) For Your Personal Brand For FREE…

…When You Join My eBrandAccelerator Program Today (and still save $1000!)

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Dear Friend,

By now, you might realize that you need to establish your personal brand that can help you stand out from your competition and get the job of your dreams.

I’ve already showed you how you can implement the 3-Step Branding to write compelling content for your personal brand website.

Now, if you want me to guide you not only to write your website content, but also to take your personal brand to the next level…

…you should seriously consider joining my eBrandAccelerator program that is especially designed for Experts and Professionals.

Here’s a summary of what you’re getting from the 12-week training…

 Week 1: Clarifying Your Brand Positioning

At first I will show you how to audit yourself to identify your strengths and weaknesses, so you can:

Build a personal brand that accurately reflects your personal and professional identity;

✅ Determine what you want to be known for;

✅ Uncover the skills and traits that make you distinct; and

✅ Discover the areas where you need to improve or gain new knowledge to advance in your career.

Next, I will show you how to discover your brand’s Mission, Vision, and Values… and how to position them in your messaging, so that:

✅ You can build a lasting bond with your audience; and

✅ Your future employers/ clients would get to know who you are, and why they should trust you over other experts and professionals.

By crafting a voice for your brand – one that outlines a clear mission, vision, and set of values…

✅ Your profile can stand apart in a crowded market; and

✅ Position your brand as the primary authority in your space.

 Week 2: Crafting A Fascinating Brand Story

This week we will be creating content for the ABOUT Page of your personal website.

You will be filling out a form to answer questions about yourself so I can help you write your Story and Biography for your personal brand.

Your About Page will be written in such a way that

✅ Your potential employer/ client will know in detail who you are, what you do, what you’ve achieved in life and career so far.

✅ They will get to know you better than what they have known you from your resume and cover letter.

✅ Your About Page should help them to see the Real You. It’s as if they have met you in person.

✅ I will help you shape your brand story in such a way that it builds the foundation of trust and bonds with your audience.

✅ I will help you to write with high accuracy, so that your content is free from grammatical errors and other linguistic inconsistencies.

 Week 3: Demonstrating Competencies and Skills

This week we will be creating content for the PORTFOLIO or SKILLS Page of your personal website.

Your career portfolio will help you land a job by giving potential employers concrete proof of:

who you are,

what you have accomplished, and

what you could potentially bring to their company.

This is where you get to prove your unique value to potential employers/ clients by listing all the things you do well.

The Portfolio/ Skills page gives you the opportunity to provide potential employers:

INSIGHT into the type of employee you would be, and

Enough evidence whether you’d be the best candidate for a certain type of job.

You need to demonstrate your past achievements in such a way that it can predict your future performance.

Again, I will help you to write ALL THIS with high accuracy, so that your content is free from grammatical errors and other linguistic inconsistencies.

 Week 4: Building Trust and Credibility

This week we will be generating content for the TESTIMONIAL Page of your personal website.

As you probably know…

✅ Testimonials given to you are honest endorsements by current or past employers/ clients in which they testify about their experiences in employing you.

✅ Testimonials from your past employers should highlight your strengths, abilities, and experience.

✅ It’s a valuable opportunity to validate your credentials, build trust, and help attract potential employers and clients.

To get started, we will…

✅ Take excerpts from the Recommendation Letters given to you by your previous employers and put them in your testimonial page.

If you’re self-employed and your clients wrote reviews of your services in your Facebook page or LinkedIn account… we will copy those reviews and paste them onto your Testimonial Page.

✅ Next… you will reach out to all the line managers who were directly involved in managing you in your previous employments… and request them to write you testimonials.

I will help you how to write Email Requests for testimonials so that you get your former bosses’ attention and get them to write you testimonials without any delay.

✅ Then reach out to your past and present colleagues with whom you have worked together… and request them to write you testimonials.

Again, I will show you how to get a faster response to generate the recommendations.

I will be guiding you on how to reach out to your target referees so that you get their ATTENTION and collect testimonials without any delay.

So… by the end of Week 4, you would have 3 main pages of your website content ready to be published:

1️ The About Page through which you tell your story and position your personal brand,

2️ The Portfolio/Skills Page through which you demonstrate your competencies and skills, and

3️ The Testimonial Page through which you build trust and credibility.

 Weeks 5-8: Establishing Your Clout and Authority

The next FOUR weeks will be spent on establishing your clout and authority in your industry.

That means you will be establishing yourself as an Expert in your field so that you gain the power to influence or persuade your audience through your knowledge and experience.

And the way you do it is through publishing amazing content for your industry.

You don’t need to write a book and become a published author, though it’d be amazing if you could do so.

So to get started, what you need to do is publish GREAT Content Through Business Blogging For Your Industry.

So, in Week 5, you will be researching topics to write content for. I will help you on how to select topics based on your profession, experience and industry so that your target audience (i.e. potential employers or clients) will:

✅ immediately perceive you as an expert,

✅ keep coming back to your blog for staying up-to-date with industry news and trends, and

✅ eventually HIRE you for a full-time position or a freelance project.

So, by the end of Week 5, you will know the topics to write about for your articles in the upcoming weeks.

Week 6: Write and publish Article 01;

Week 7: Write and publish Article 02;

Week 8: Write and publish Article 03.

Every week, I will help you to write with high accuracy, so that your content is free from grammatical errors and other linguistic inconsistencies.

Thus, by the end of Week 8, you will have your personal website and business blog ready to be shared with the world.

 Week 9: Building Your Brand On LinkedIn

As we move on to Week 9, we will be building your personal brand on LinkedIn. Before your business blog gets popular, most people will find you through LinkedIn.

Now… Why LinkedIn Matters? Recent research shows that:

✅ 87% of recruiters use LinkedIn to FIND candidates for jobs, while

94% of recruiters use LinkedIn to VET job candidates.

Having a great LinkedIn profile helps you attract recruiters’ attention when they’re looking for new talent to join their company’s teams. With that said, LinkedIn is NOT only for job seekers.

It’s a QUICK way to position yourself as an expert in your industry or even as an influencer!

More and more professionals use LinkedIn on a regular basis for both professional and personal development.

✅ In other words, your profile and your activities on LinkedIn have a great impact on your personal brand.

✅ So it’s very important that your LinkedIn profile is 100% complete and FULLY optimized.

✅ An optimized profile ranks higher in LinkedIn searches by recruiters and hiring managers, resulting in more job opportunities.

✅ So this week we will optimize your LinkedIn profile with specific keywords, used in your dream job listings, so that your profile gets more visibility and reach in LinkedIn searches.

So, in summary, the tasks for this week are:

✅ Complete your LinkedIn profile

✅ Optimize your LinkedIn profile

✅ Publish excerpts of your blog posts in LinkedIn

✅ Send invitations to connect with people you may know, such as classmates in school and university, former colleagues, acquaintances, etc

So, by the end of Week 9, you will have built your personal brand both on your website and LinkedIn.

 Weeks 10-11: Optimizing Your Resume/CV

In Weeks 10 and 11, we will be working on improving your Resume/CV.

Now, you might be wondering why you need to optimize your resume when your website for your personal brand does an excellent job in demonstrating your skills and competencies and building trust and credibility to your potential employer.

So Why Does Resume Optimization Matter?

✅ Your Resume/CV is one of the most important marketing tools for your personal brand.

✅ If you do a great job in promoting your profile through your Resume, recruiters will be more interested in learning more about you by clicking on to your website URL in the Resume.

✅ On the other hand, if your Resume is not good enough it might not even get noticed by the recruiters.

✅ Research shows that recruiters and hiring managers spend an average of 6 seconds only on each resume.

Let’s face it – they don’t read your resume. They skim it quickly to get a sense of… if you’re a good fit or not.

✅ So, your resume should be formatted and written in such a way that it stands out from the pack and gets attention of the recruiter and hiring managers.

If you’re sending an online job application by uploading your CV, it must be ATS-friendly.

Now, if you’re not aware of ATS – it stands for “Applicant Tracking System” which is a type of software or Resume-filtering bot, used by recruiters and employers during the hiring process.

It helps them to quickly filter and rank the thousands of applicants that apply to each job. The ATS ranks your resume based on its relevancy to the job description.

✅ Research shows that 75% of job applications are rejected BEFORE they are seen by human eyes.

✅ Many candidates get rejected for using resume templates that are unreadable by ATS.

✅ The FORMATTINGS that you use to create an impressive and attention-grabbing resume are the ONES to blame. Formattings, such as images, tables, charts, fancy bullets, etc are not readable by the ATS.

✅ So the good-looking or fancy resumes get filtered out by the Applicant Tracking System.

So the problem is: How to get your resume past the ATS and ALSO get the recruiters’ attention through beautiful resume design?

Well… here’s what we will be doing in Weeks 10 and 11:

✅ Most of the content for your Resume should be ready through your LinkedIn profile that is optimized in Week 9.

✅ So you will copy-paste your work history from your LinkedIn Profile to your Resume.

✅ Then we will make TWO formats of your Resume:

☑️ The Fancy one for sending directly to employers through Courier/Email and

☑️ The ATS-friendly one for sending through Online Application.

In most cases, you will be sending the Fancy CV to employers where they allow you to email your CV or send it in through courier.

If you’re applying to multinational companies, Fortune 500 or big organizations, you would need to register an account with them to send in your job application, in which case you would need to upload your ATS-friendly resume.

So, optimizing your resume in two formats will help you to get your resume past the ATS as well as get the attention of the recruiter.

 Week 12: Networking on LinkedIn for Jobs

In the final week of the eBrand Accelerator Program, I will teach you how to do networking on LinkedIn the RIGHT way so you can increase your chances of getting a job.

Did you know at least 70% of jobs are NOT even listed or advertised?

✅ According to a USNews article, 70% of people ended up in their current position thanks to networking.

✅ According to a report from ABC News, 80% of today’s jobs are landed through networking.

✅ In a survey conducted by LinkedIn and the Adler Group in 2016, 85% of all jobs are filled via networking.

One of the major reasons that networking is such an EFFECTIVE way to get a job is that there is something of a hidden job market out there.

✅ Some estimate that as much as 80% of new jobs are never listed but are instead filled internally or via networking.

In fact, getting a referral for a job opening from someone who’s already working with the company could give you pretty impressive odds.

✅ Only 7% of job applicants get an employee referral, yet referrals account for 40% of all hires.

Clearly, networking isn’t just one potential route to finding a new job — it’s actually THE Most Effective Path.

So, in Week 12, I will give you a step-by-step plan on how to connect with the right people who can help you directly or indirectly to get the job of your dreams.

At this point, your personal brand built in Weeks 1-9 and your resume optimized in Weeks 10 & 11 will help you to position yourself as an expert or professional when networking on LinkedIn.

✅ I will show you how to write messages that get attention and positive responses.

☑️ It’s important that your emails and DMs do not seem like a template message being blasted to many people.

☑️ It must be personalized, precise and give value to the person you’re writing to and that’s what I will be teaching you on how to write effective messages for networking.

✅ This week I will also help you to write a cover letter if you’re applying for a job.

☑️ While cover letters may be on the decline, they have more value in specific jobs and industries, such as a creative job in marketing, public relations or content fields where writing is prevalent.

☑️ The point of a cover letter is to build a bridge between yourself and the hiring manager. You definitely need to send one when you’re applying for a job which hasn’t been advertised yet.

 Recap – Weeks 1-12:

Let’s have a quick recap of what you’re getting from my 12-week eBrandAccelerator Program.

☑️ Week 1:
I’ll be showing you how to Clarify Your Brand Positioning to build a lasting bond with your audience. If I offer this group consulting separately, I’d charge at least $1000 for it;

☑️ Week 2:
I’ll be showing you how to Craft A Fascinating Brand Story in your website’s ABOUT page, so that you can build trust and bonding with your audience. If I offer this done-with-you consulting as a standalone service, I’d charge $2000 minimum.

☑️ Week 3:
I’ll be showing you how to Demonstrate Your Competencies and Skills in your website’s PORTFOLIO/ SKILLS page, so that you can prove your unique value to potential employers/ clients. Again, I’d charge at least $1000 for this done-with-you consulting as a standalone service.

☑️ Week 4:
I’ll be showing you how to Build Trust and Credibility For Your Brand through your website’s TESTIMONIAL page. I will be guiding you on how to reach out to your target referees, so that you get their attention and get them to write you testimonials without any delay. This part of the group consulting is at least $500 value.

☑️ Weeks 5-8:
I’ll be helping you to Establish Your Clout and Authority through publishing your Business Blog, so that you can build your brand authority and influence in your industry. If I offer this done-with-you consulting separately, I’d charge at least $2000 for it.

☑️ Week 9:
I’ll be helping you to Build Your Brand on LinkedIn by optimizing your profile, so that it gets more visibility and reach in LinkedIn searches. This done-with-you consulting service is at least $1000 value.

☑️ Weeks 10 and 11:
I’ll be helping you to Optimize Your Resume/CV, basically in two formats, so that it helps you to get your resume past the Applicant Tracking System as well as get the attention of the recruiter. This is a done-for-you service and I plan to offer it as a standalone consulting in which I’d charge $500 minimum.

☑️ Week 12:
I’ll be showing you how to Network on LinkedIn the RIGHT way, so you can increase your chances of getting a job. This group coaching, if offered separately, would easily retail for $2000 or higher.

So, the Total Real Value for the Entire 12-week program is at least $10,000.

The Investment:

So, what’s the price of this 12-week Done-with-You Training program?

✅ Well… similar Do-It-Yourself COURSES by Big Name Gurus are sold for $1,997 to $2,997 or higher.

But I’m not offering you a DIY course, but a Done-with-You training program where you’re not alone in building your personal brand.

You definitely need to put in the work in creating the draft copy of your brand messaging, website pages, blog posts, resume content, and things like that, but the final version of all these creative will be edited and polished by me and my expert copywriting team.

✅ So… Done-with-You consulting program like this are retailed for $5,000 to $10,000.

I can easily charge you at least $5,000 for this 12-week training program, which would be 50% off of the real value.

✅ However, I’m not going to charge you $5,000

✅ Not even $2,500 (which would be a whopping 75% off of the program’s real value)

✅ So your investment in this entire 12-Week Done-with-You training will be $1,997 only. That’s 80% Off of the training’s REAL value.

But it gets better…

✅ If you apply Today () to join my 12-Week Done-With-You eBrandAccelerator Program, you pay $997 only.

YES… you can save $1,000 in this training program IF you apply to join TODAY.

You know this a 12-week training program, and over the 12 weeks that we work together, if you think about it… that’s just about $11 per day.

Let me ask you some questions…

Is it worth $11 a day to easily establish authority in your industry so companies want to hire you?

❓ Is it worth $11 a day to go from obscure to well-known, respected, and in-demand professional in your industry?

Is it worth $11 a day to create your brand on LinkedIn so that you could get more visibility and reach there?

Is it worth $11 a day to make your Resume ATS-friendly and also get the recruiter’s attention?

Of course it is. 75% of job applications are rejected by ATS or Resume-filtering bots BEFORE they are seen by human eyes. So your resume must be optimized to get past the ATS. And if you’re applying for jobs directly, the presentation of your CV must be impressive to get the attention of the recruiters.

Is it worth $11 a day to network on LinkedIn the RIGHT way, so you could increase your chances of getting a job or next big project?

Of course it is. 80% of new jobs are never listed but are instead filled internally or via networking. I’ll give you a step-by-step plan along with email templates that you can use for networking effectively to get the job of your dreams.

Is it worth $11 a day to build your personal branding empire over the period of 12 weeks that others would pay $10,000 per person?

This training is very effective and it’s just a no-brainer. It’s a bargain.

And listen.. this solves the job searching problem and …the stakes are high when it comes to solving this problem.

If We Get This Right…

💡 We can create Massive demand for our expertise, for our professional services, and personal brand;

💡 We can get the Recognition that we deserve… and all of that can create…

💡 Great Stability for our career and that can create…

💡 Security for us where we NEVER have to wonder whether or not we are to going to be able to get clients or the dream job that we desire

💡 The Financial Impact from that security is tremendous, and that affects our

💡 Ability To Provide for ourselves, and our family, AND if we get this right we can also…

💡 Impact Our Clients or the Company where we desire to work in, and our industry in a way that’s very very positive and helpful.

But if we get it wrong… we just keep on staying on this Job-Hunting merry-go-round that continues to become less effective and more overwhelming. And ultimately, our career can really really suffer.

And the bottom-line is this: you’re reading this because we both know…

As a talented professional, you shouldn’t have to work too hard …and STILL not get the success and the recognition that you deserve.

It’s not right…

And you don’t have to do that anymore.

So, that’s why I’m giving you a total of $10,000 worth of training and help for the price of $997 only. That’s 1/10th of the real value that you need to invest in yourself to boost your career. 

And it’s really very important to me to make this something that you can actually implement simply …without having to rely on outside help and without having to become overwhelmed or bogged down with the tech stuff which is why I want to give you…

An additional $3,214 in Fast Action Bonuses – like i mentioned at the beginning of this letter.

Fast Action Bonuses:

For a limited time I’m offering…

Two Absolutely Amazing Bonuses Worth $3,214

Bonus #1

Done-For-You Website For Your Personal Brand ($1,217 Value)

Here’s what you’ll get:

Custom Web Design worth $1000

My team will custom design your website so that it truly matches your brand identity. It’s the same 6-page web design service that we offer to small businesses, starting from $1000. But you get this web design service for FREE only if you apply to join the eBrandAccelerator program TODAY.

But it gets better… you’ll also get…

High-Speed WordPress Hosting for a period of 1 year ($84 Value)

It would normally cost you on average $7/month or $84/year to get a full-service WordPress hosting. But you can get it for FREE from me for 1 year.

D.F.Y. Web Content Management ($120/yr Value)

As it is a Done-For-You website, my team will help you to manage your content, so you don’t have to worry about uploading and publishing the content to your website …unless you choose to do it by yourself. Again, it’s a $120/year worth of Web Content Management from me being included in this bonus for FREE.

1-Year Domain Registration ($12.98/yr Value)

If you don’t have a domain name such as yourname.com… we will also register it for you for FREE.

So, the total value that you’re getting from this Fast Action Bonus is $1,217.

And then… for the first 20 people who apply to join the 12-Week Training today… you get:

Bonus #2

Side Hustle for Experts and Professionals ($1,997 Value)

If you’ve always wanted to earn an extra income from the comfort of your home, I’ll be delighted to offer you a free training on how to get started.

I’ll conduct a webinar, teaching you… How To Monetize Your Personal Brand …Even If You’ve Zero Knowledge On Marketing And Sales.

Here’s what you’ll get:

✅ In the webinar, I will show you multiple revenue streams that you can consider for your side hustle. It can be either related to your field of profession or related to a passion you have outside your profession.

There are basically three types of revenue streams for you to consider:

      1. Create and sell your own product or services;
      2. Promote and sell other people’s products and services in exchange of commissions; and
      3. Become a content creator and let Google, YouTube and Facebook share their Advertising revenue with you.

✅ So, depending on your circumstances, interest and preferences, you need to choose ONE income stream that is best for you and get started.

✅ After the webinar, we will have a 1-on-1 consulting session in which we will discuss about your chosen revenue stream that you want to work on to begin your side hustle. At the end, I will give you a custom marketing blueprint that will be specifically made for your side hustle.

✅ Then you follow and implement the blueprint to start selling.

I later plan to offer this same 1-on-1 consulting with Custom Marketing Blueprint to other Experts and Professionals for at least $1,997.

And, due to the intense personal nature of this bonus, I can only offer this for FREE to the first 20 people who apply to join the 12-week eBrandAccelerator program TODAY.

One-Time Offer:

Valid for the first 10 people who take action today…

Get the 12-Week Done-with-You eBrand Accelerator Program ($1,997 Value) For FREE …When You Invest In My Done-for-You Content Writing Service For $997 Only.

Yes, you read that right!

As you may realize… eBrandAccelerator is a Done-with-You program in which, although I’ll be guiding you on how to write your web content the best way possible… YOU would need to write the website content by yourself. I’ll then check your content before you publish it.

So, if you don’t have time to write content for your Fascinating Brand Story, which is the most important element of your personal brand…

Or, if you don’t feel confident enough to create your brand story by following EVERYTHING taught in Week 2 of the program…

Then you’re in luck today!

You can get my FULL 12-week Done-with-You training program for FREE when you invest in my Done-for-You content writing service, in which I’ll be writing content for your ‘About’ Page and ‘Home’ Page of your personal website.

As a successful copywriter with 13+ years of experience, I can easily sell this Done-for-You service for more than $3000.

However, for a limited time, I’m offering it for $997 only. It’s really a bargain if you think about it.

I know it’s a crazy offer in which I’ve to give you a LOT more than what I’m being paid for. I got to do the extra work.

But that’s okay for me, because I want YOU to win.

So if you’re wondering, “what’s the catch?”

Well, I’m doing this because…

#1: I want you to have compelling content for your personal brand website, so that you really have a higher chance of getting hired by your dream clients or employer.

When you become successful, I can mention your success story in my website and, hopefully, get more clients for myself. And…

#2: I’m offering this D.F.Y. content writing service at Fiverr.com, where I need your testimonial later, so that I can get new clients from Fiverr platform itself. And…

#3: I need reviews and success stories for my eBrand Accelerator program, so I can sell it at its original price later which is $1,997.

Now… if you didn’t know me before reading this letter, and you don’t have a clue about my writing proficiency… you can check out this very website.

You can read my ‘home’ page, ‘about’ page, ‘consulting service’ pages, and blogs to see for yourself my quality of writing and copywriting skills. I’m sure you’ll like it.

So, if you’re really interested to hire me for writing your website content (Home Page and About Page) and enroll in my 12-week Done-with-You training program for FREE… you should take advantage of this one-time offer now.

Yes, this is REALLY a One-Time Offer.

I won’t be offering this $1,997 training for free again.

And I can only offer this to the first 10 people who place order today.

I guess this is a win-win for both you and I.

And it’s an offer you can’t refuse, if you truly want to:

  • Establish your personal brand,
  • Stand out from your competition,
  • Get your dream job or ideal clients, and thus
  • Take your career to the next level.

So, if this sounds appealing to you…

Here’s what to do next:

✅ Click the red button below and register for the eBrand Accelerator Program;

✅ Apply to join the program by buying my gig from the Fiverr link I show you;

✅ After making payment, you need to send me a code to get access to the Accelerator program for Free. And the code is: eba4free

✅ Check your email. I’ll send you a link to a form that you need to fill out.

It’s a very brief questionnaire through which I just want to know who you are. I want to see your LinkedIn profile if you have one. I want to know what your profession is and the number of years of experience you have. I’ll ask you what your career goals are, and maybe some challenges you might be having. So I can be better prepared to help you create your personal brand when we start the training.

✅ So submit the online form. I’ll then start writing content for your website.

✅ The Fast Action Bonuses will be processed 14 days after the Fiverr gig, DFY content for Home and About Pages, are delivered to you.

✅ In the meantime, we will be working together in the accelerator program.

✅ If you’re one of the first 20 people who apply to join the Accelerator today, you’ll also be getting the “Side Hustle” bonus.

So get started in building your personal brand when the training begins…

Start Date:

eBrandAccelerator program will officially begin on:

Monday, April 4th, 2022

Registration Ends:

Registration for the training program will close on:

Sunday, April 3rd, 2022

…but if you want to grab the FAST ACTION BONUSES, you need to apply NOW to book your spot.

And get all of these $10,000 worth of 12-Week Done-With-You Training on Personal Branding for FREE!

…when you invest in my Done-for-You Content Writing service by paying $997 only.


Which is why it’s VERY limited. It’s available to just 10 people on first-come, first-served basis.

So go ahead, apply now and let’s reinvent your career.

Isn’t it time for you to earn more by working exclusively for people who will happily pay you?

And isn’t it time to eliminate stress and uncertainty and overwhelm in your career and start enjoying the benefits of the unique value that you can provide to the world?

So go ahead… Apply now and let’s get started.

You have nothing to lose but a whole new career and a whole new life to gain.

Yours for online success,

Ashique Abdullah


EXTREMELY IMPORTANT EARNINGS DISCLOSURE AND OTHER NOTICES: Absolutely NOTHING on this web page should be considered as any type of earnings claim (implied or otherwise). I’ve never taught this class before so I can’t tell you what a ‘typical’ result would be.

What I do know is the vast and overwhelming majority of people who take classes about growing their career and increasing their chances of getting a job don’t get any results at all. Kind of like the way most people who buy home exercise equipment don’t look like the people in the commercials.

Also, this is a TRAINING intended to help PROFESSIONALS and EXPERTS learn how to use the internet to grow a personal brand and get more clients. It is NOT a “business opportunity”.

This will require WORK, COMMITMENT, and most importantly, PERSEVERANCE. All this “internet marketing” stuff is harder than it looks. So get ready to put in the work and stick out. If you’re not committed, I’d advise you to pass on this.

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